Evacuation Chair Training

We offer two training courses, depending on the level of training necessary. All Courses, presented by Evac+Chair training specialists, cover every aspect of the roles of Dedicated Operators and Key Trainers. All Delegates receive reference and training material. On Course completion, all Delegates meeting the training standards are Certificated and deemed competent for their roles.

Our Aim is to:

  • Ensure that all candidates complete the Course and achieve a level of competence which will inspire others to use the Evac+Chair confidently under any conditions.
  • Provide competent in-house trainers who will train Evac+Chair Operators/Dedicated Escorts to provide assistance to the mobility impaired - enabling them to reach a place of safety in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  • Ensure that you meet your legal obligations and be kept up-to-
    date with new regulations and adequately trained in Emergency Escape Procedures for all, including the mobility impaired.

Key Trainer Masterclass®

A full day certificated "Train the Trainer" course to enable key staff to train other members of your staff in the effective use of the Evac+Chair.

Dedicated Escort / Evac+Chair Operator Course

A 21/2 hour certificated course, training your staff on how to correctly use the Evac+Chair in an emergency.


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© Evac+Chair International Limited 2020 Company Reg No.3593826 England
Unit 4, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 8AW, UK
